Honing-in on rejuvenation with the Nordlys® system

Featured in the Innovation Showcase issue of “Modern Aesthetics”

Broadband light has been the mainstay IPL technology for decades. However, narrowband light gives us the opportunity to rethink what a more narrow spectrum can achieve.

Nordlys platform is the only available system with narrowband intense pulsed light (IPL) and two non-ablative laser resurfacing applicators.1-4,5

Download your copy to learn more about:

  • The Nordlys system’s risk-minimizing narrowband IPL technology
  • How Nordlys can reduce fluence demand by 50% and improve patient comfort

With a modified approach to focusing light, perhaps “Intense Pulsed Light” doesn’t need to be so “Intense” after all.

Want to learn more about the Nordlys system's IPL technology? Submit the form and we’ll send a copy to your inbox.

If you want more info about the Nordlys or book a demo, feel free to contact us anytime!

Request a Demo

1. Ellipse Nordlys 510(k) clearance (K150907), July 2015.
2. Ellipse Frax 1550 510(k) clearance (K161162), Sept. 2016.
3. Ellipse Ydun Frax 1550 510(k) clearance (K180406), March 2018.
4. Ellipse Frax 1940 510(k) clearance (K192951), March 2020.
5. Data on File, Candela, 2021